Thursday, August 2, 2012

Living Planet Aquarium

Jessica and I took the kids to the Living Planet Aquarium in Sandy, I have bee watching Zach for my sister-in-law Jodi all week so he was able to go with us as well.  We hadn't been to the aquarium in 3 years so it was fun to go and see the changes that have been made like the otters and penguins.  Hadley was being a wuss with the stingrays and wouldn't touch them and one of the stingrays kept swimming up the side of the exhibit and trying to attack her it seemed like.  Another fun day with my kids and family....

 The stingray tried attacking Jessica and Crewe....
 Hadley would only touch the sea urchin and starfish...

 They have new baby sharks at the aquarium...

 I think that Aniston liked the aquarium as well....

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