Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Christmas Day 2011

What an awesome Christmas we had this year! We decided this year just to do our own Christmas this year so Mark and the 2 girls and I just stayed home to own presents. Hadley loved everything that she got, we got her a Fisher Price digital camera and she has already taken over 90 pictures so it was a big success. After breakfast we got ready for church because I had the pleasure of speaking in Sacrament that day. Once church was over we went to Mark's parents house to open presents and eat some food. Then we went to my sisters house because my entire family was their to open presents and eat more food. The baby was a big hit all day and I don't think that I held her once that day. I feel so blessed during this time of year and love my family so much.
We had to wake Hadley up....

My girls....

Mark wanted this scope pretty bad so I think that I did well!
Aniston slept the entire time that we opened presents.

Matching Christmas dresses...
Great Grandma Lloyd and Grandma Seegmiller with Aniston....

She got a sled but we need snow so that we can use it....

Opening presents with my family...

Camden will not leave Copper alone....

Christmas Eve 2011

We spend Christmas Eve at my Aunt Jami's house in Spanish Fork every year, we head down for dinner and always have prime rib. After dinner we do a stocking exchange, we draw names before Christmas and you can only spend $10 total on the stocking but you get as many free items to put in the stocking as possible. It is alot of fun to see what people can get for the stockings. We always open up Christmas pajamas while we are done their as well.
The girls in their Christmas pajamas...

Grandpa and Aniston....
Our cute family.....

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Ward Christmas Party 2011

For the Grove 8th Ward Christmas Party the Primary put on the Nativity program and Hadley wanted to be Mary so bad and when they told her that she could she was so excited. She did such a cute job as Mary and she even rocked her back and forth. When the other kids tried to touch the baby she was very protective of her baby...

My Little Dancer

Hadley had her Christmas Dance Recital on Dec 17th, 2011. She is so cute and such a good little dancer, I am so proud of her. They had Santa come afterwards for the kids to sit on his lap which Hadley was so excited...

I Love this Baby!!!!

I love this little girl, she is a sweet heart and such a good baby. I am so grateful to have her in my family and she is such a great addition. The Lord has truly blessed us....