Saturday, October 6, 2012

New Home

We are so excited to have purchased a new home for our family to live in, it is located in Cedar Hills and love it!  It is 4100 square feet, with 5 bedrooms and 3 bathrooms and on a 3rd of an acre  The basement isn't finished and their is a lot of yard work that needs to be done because it was neglected big time, it hadn't been lived in for several months and the people that did live here didn't do very much weeding or anything with the yard.  We have been weeding the yard and I am so grateful to Mark's family for coming and helping us.  A lot of the weeds were taller than Hadley and their is a lot of Chinese Elm which is ridiculous.  I was that I would have taken some before pictures but here are some after pictures to show you how much better it is looking.

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