Tuesday, July 31, 2012


 All of the adults in my family had the opportunity to go to the musical production of Wicked, this was my second time watching it and I can honestly say that the second time may have been even better than the first.  Love this musical, love the plot, love the music, loved it......  It gives you a good laugh but a good cry at the same time.  Thanks mom and dad for the great Christmas present!

Monday, July 30, 2012

Pleasant Grove Reading Time

We love the Pleasant Grove Library!  Hadley loves going to story time at the library every week and then on Fridays she gets to go to the Wildlife day that the Beane Museum puts on at the library.  Story time always has a fun theme each week, a fun craft and Hadley loves spinning the wheel to see what prize she will get that week. Thank you Pleasant Grove for having such a great library.


Went camping last week from Wednesday to Saturday up at Strawberry and had such a blast.  Mark's parents and nephew Zach came up with us and then his sister Kristi and her family joined us on Thursday night.  It was Aniston's first time camping and I think that it is safe to say that she loved it.  She loved riding the four wheeler, hiking and just hanging out with everyone.  Hadley is definitely a mountain girl, she had her binoculars and Brave bow & arrow and was ready for anything that came her way.  My sister Nicole and her husband Parker came up and joined us Thursday night until Saturday and it was so much fun to have them there with us. 

Nicole, Parker and Copper....


This toy saved our lives.......

Hadley and Zach.......

Monday, July 23, 2012

Grove 8th Ward Picnic

The Grove 8th ward had  a ward picnic on Saturday at the Timpanogas Park up the Provo Canyon, the bishopric barbaqued hamburgers and hot dogs, the Primary Presidency had some fun games for everyone to play and it was a good time with everyone.  Good food, good fun, good people.....

 The cutest girls ever..

She loves getting her picture taken...