Thursday, February 23, 2012

Aniston's Surgery

Aniston had her first surgery on her cleft lip on February 22nd, 2012. They brought her lip together and put a prosthesis in the roof of her mouth because the jaw is in 2 different pieces and this will prevent it from collapsing. We did the surgery up at Primary Children's and her surgeons name is Dr. Motoki, the procedure took about 2 hours and we had to spend the night at the hospital. Aniston did really well but she has to wear the metal piece over her mouth and arm restraints for 2 weeks. She also has to relearn how to eat so that will be challenging but we will do whatever necessary for our baby.

Getting ready for surgery....

Right after the surgery...

Her awesome arm restraints.

She had an i.v. in her for 24 hours so she retained a lot of water and was a very chubby baby for 2 days until she lost all of the water.
I have some amazing bosses, the sent us this teddy bear and edible arrangement.
Home at last......


  1. Ah. Poor girl. This is bringing back memories of Josh's surgery. I know this can be rough. I just had to keep telling myself that Josh would want to have this done when he gets older. It gets so much easier once the first few hurdles are done. I was looking through your posts. Your girls are so cute. I love all the pictures you've posted. I hope recovery is going well and that aniston is adjusting quickly.

  2. Thank you so much! It is nice to here from someone who has also gone through this and receive words of comfort.
