Monday, July 12, 2010

4th of July Weekend

So in good old Gunnison on the 3rd of July they always have a dinner, auction, fireworks and the newest tradition a concert in the park but since the 4th was on a Sunday this year these festivities were on the 2nd. Mark and I went down there to enjoy all of this with my family. This year they had Neil Diamond come and sing. Just kidding he was a Neil Diamond impersonator from Vegas but he actually looked a lot like him and sounded like him as well.
Hadley and Hannah enjoying the concert....
Still my favorite baby....

Hadley danced the whole time (especially when he sang America because she knows the whole song) and she had to get close to him when he came off of the stage so she inched her way towards him.

Watching fireworks with Grandma Carolyn...

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