Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Surgery #2

Aniston had surgery #2 today up at Primary Children's Hospital and she did amazing.  They finished repairing her lip and started shaping er nose.  Poor thing will have to wear the arm restraints again for 3 weeks but she is such a trooper and I am so proud of her.  She unfortunately pulled the IV out of her foot so they had to put another one in through her hand, I don't know who cried harder, me or Aniston. I truly feel so blessed to be her mother and to be able to help her through this trial in her life.
 Right before surgery, waiting on the doctors.....
In the recovery room right after her surgery....

Fireworks - A Good End

The perfect end to a perfect week, to end the week we were able to enjoy the fireworks they set off after the last rodeo.  It was Aniston's first time watching fireworks and she was mesmerized during them.  Hadley on the other and during the fireworks danced to the music the entire time, she cracks me up.  Thanks Pleasant Grove for an awesome week!

Strawberry Days Parade

On Saturday, June 23rd we enjoyed the Strawberry Days Parade.  Since Aniston was a baby contest winner for Pleasant Grove, her and I rode in the parade.  It was so hot and Aniston did not enjoy it but it was a fun memory.  Aimee & Josh Carter's baby Savannah was also a winner so she rode in the parade with us, it was fun to do it with them.  Hadley loved watching the parade and she got a lot of candy (that in her eyes is always the best part of the parade). Mark and Hadley (later in the parade Aniston and I joined them) and we sat by the Marchbank's family.

Riding in the parade...

Huck Finn Day

Jessica and I took the kids on Friday the June 22nd to the Huck Finn Day up at the Battlecreek Park. It was our first time to this event and the kids had a blast.  They played in the water and then also played some of the games that they had going on around the park but the highlight of the event were the snow cones.  It was another fun day and I love being able to spend time with my kids and my sister.

 Crewe, Jessica and Hadley

 Aniston loved the snow cone.....

Carnival Fun

Jessica and I took the kids to the Strawberry Days Carnival up at the city park, the kids had a blast riding the rides.   Hadley didn't want to go home when it was time, Aniston just enjoyed being there.  I spent more money then I would have liked but I guess that is what happens at carnivals.  Hadley wanted to play a game and when she didn't win what she wanted she was not happy at all, lesson learned hopefully that carnival games are a waste of money!

 I love my girls!!!!!