Tuesday, April 24, 2012


The girls in the bath, they are so cute and I love them to death!!!!!!!

AF Canyon BBQ

We went up AF Canyon with some friends and family to do have dinner.  It was Aniston's first time up the canyon and she loved it.  The wheather was perfect and we had such a great time with the people that we love....

Thursday, April 12, 2012


Hadley and I took Aniston to the park for the first time last week and she loved being outside. The wheather was amazing and we were out there for almost 3 hours. Aniston fell to sleep even though there were kids screaming and running around. It was a good day....

Easter 2012

For Easter weekend we went down to my parents house in Gunnison. On Saturday morning the kids got up early and went to the park for the city Easter Egg Hunt, then later that day they colored eggs. Then that evening we had a bbq in the backyard and another Easter Egg hunt, we finished the veing off with roasting marshmellows. Then Sunday the kids woke up and had to find their Easter baskets and off course chuch. It was such a fun weekend and I love spending time with my family....

Finding Easter Eggs...
Hadley was so excited about her eggs.
Enjoying the fire!

I love my girls....