Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Camping Trip

So we went camping over the weekend with Jim, Kristi and their family. We went up above Heber and it was a ton of fun, the only crappy thing were the bugs. They were horrible and I got eaten alive.... The guys shot anything and everything that they could find and the tannerite was everyone's favorite thing to shoot and blow up. I will say that sleeping on a cot when you are 20 weeks pregnant is not the funest thing in the world but what do you do. Hadley loved picking the flowers and also catching frogs.

Hadley throwing a fit and not wanting her picture to be taken.....

Catching frogs.....

Hadley wanted to take a picture of me......

Monday, July 18, 2011

Boating on Utah Lake

A day on the lake. We went out on the lake with Josh Carter and his family out on Utah lake and you never have a bad time boating. We took my nephews Talon and Landon with us and they had a blast. The water was freezing but the kids are so resilent that it never seems to bother them at all, me on the other hand couldn't handle it.... It was the perfect day to go boating!

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Lindon Pool

Chey and I took all of the kids to the Lindon pool today and I would have to say that pool is probably my favorite pool. It is a ton of fun and the kids love it. They just play for hours and you don't have to worry about them because there is plenty to do for. Hadley could have been in the lazy river all day long.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

AF Canyon Ride

On Saturday, July 9th we went up AF Canyon with James, Chey & their kids and then Ben Tire to go on a ride and also for a picnic. It was so much fun and s beautiful up their. The water level up there is crazy and we had to cross the river to get to where we wanted to go. the picture below shows how deep it was. The kids had a blast and it was so much to get out with the family and enjoy nature.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

4th of July

So for the 4th of July my family and James & Chey's family went down to Gunnison for the 4th of July weekend. We were able to go to the parade, the carnival and watch fireworks. It was really hot but a lot of fun and I love being with my family. What a great 4th of July......