Friday, September 24, 2010

Date Night

So my amazing husband took me to La Caille for a date night and the place was fantastic. The gardens were so beautiful and fun to walk around and then the food was the best that I had ever had. Thanks honey for an awesome evening!!!!!

Thursday, September 9, 2010

1st Day of Preschool

Hadley had her first day of preschool on Wednesday, I cannot believe that she is old enough to go now. My baby is getting so big and she was so cute that day. She was so excited to go and I think that her favorite thing was the backpack.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010


We had the Childs Family Reunion over Labor Day weekend up Mayfield Canyon at 12 mile flats. It was such a blast and there is never a dull moment with the Childs Family. We had 4 wheeler riding, horse riding, the kids decorated t-shirts and made marshmallow shooters, we had a ton of different competitions, the guys sat and lassoed each other and the kids and then don't forget all of the food. At one point we had about 80 people up there (there are 10 kids in my dads family, 7 spouses, 42 grandkids, 18 spouses to the grandkids, 31 great grandkids and 2 great grandkids on the way, plus 2 of the grandkids are engaged). Needless to say it is a big family and a wild and crazy bunch but I love my family to death.......
Our little cowgirl......

The guys lassoing each other.

You had to put an oreo on your forehead and try to get it in your mouth by only using
your face muscles.

Hadley and grandpa....